Leaders: Lynne Wheeler and Bill Townsend
The varied habitat of water, woods, farm fields and edges provide for a great variety of birds. See fergusonfoundation.org for directions. Bill Townsend, Hard Bargain Farm educator, will meet you at the entrance. No fee. Limit to 12 participants. RSVP to Lynne Wheeler at somdaudubon@yahoo.com or 301-751-8097 (prefer text).
FIELD TRIP COVID POLICY: SMAS is restarting its program of outdoor birding field trips as of January 2022 using the following public health guidelines to ensure the safety of participants on all trips:
1. All participants must be fully vaccinated except those with medical exemptions;
2. Masks are optional;
3. Do not attend if you are experiencing any symptoms of a cold, flu or COVID;
4. Maintain social distancing.