April 3, 2024. 7-8 p.m. Monthly meeting Zoom talk.
Nature is WILD and sometimes competition for reproduction is fierce–from birds and bees to orchids! Join naturalist Kerry Wixted and learn how different plants and animals procreate in odd, interesting, and sometimes deadly ways. Kerry Wixted, a Maryland naturalist with over 15 years’ experience studying flora and fauna of Maryland, is the Amphibian & Reptile and Invasive Species Program Manager at the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies. She has previously worked for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. She holds a B.S. degree in Wildlife and Fishers Management from Frostburg State University, and a M.S. degree in Biology from West Virginia University. To receive the Zoom link please email: president.somdaudubon@gmail.com.
This lecture may qualify for Master Naturalist and Master Gardener continuing education hours.