Leaders: Marisa Rositol and Lynne Wheeler
Smallwood State Park is a great location for Red-headed Woodpeckers and a good variety of migrating birds and warblers. Louisiana Waterthrush highly likely. Meet at 8:00 a.m. and proceed to Pavilion 1 parking area, past the campground. RSVP to Lynne at somdaudubon@yahoo.com or 301-751-8097 (prefer text).
FIELD TRIP COVID POLICY: SMAS is restarting its program of outdoor birding field trips as of January 2022 using the following public health guidelines to ensure the safety of participants on all trips:
1. All participants must be fully vaccinated except those with medical exemptions;
2. Masks are optional, unless otherwise stated in the trip description;
3. Do not attend if you are experiencing any symptoms of a cold, flu or COVID;
4. Maintain social distancing.