Annual Picnic & Meeting
Sunday, June 9 from 1-4 p.m.
Join us for our Southern Maryland Audubon Annual Potluck Picnic, Meeting, Native Plant Sale & Bird Walk.
Maxwell Hall
17388 Teagues Point Rd., Hughesville, MD 20637
Members and families/guests as well as prospective members
are all welcome.
We invite you to bring a dish or a dessert to share.
(The food is always GREAT!) We will provide chicken and utensils.
To help us with planning, please sign up here:
The park includes Maxwell Hall, a beautifully preserved 18th century house, and 14 miles of diverse hiking trails through woods, open fields and shoreline.
Picnic, meeting and plant sale at the park pavilion.
Follow signs for SMAS parking. Restroom available. Be sure to set your GPS to the address above for Maxwell Hall, not Maxwell Hall Park as it will take you too far from the pavilion.
We’ll have locally grown native plants and SMAS swag for sale!
1:00-2:15 p.m. Potluck Lunch
2:15-2:30 p.m. Welcome
2:30-3:00 p.m. Business meeting with elections & award presentations
3:00-4 p.m. Bird Walk
The business meeting will include a vote on our slate of officers and board members. The SMAS Nominating Committee proposes:
President, Molly Moore
Vice President, Ben Springer
Secretary, Barbara Hill
Treasurer, Julie Daniel
Directors: Annette Cook, Dean Newman, Phin Rouland
One more item: Have scrap plywood cluttering your shed?
Bring it to the picnic for collection and it will be used to make part of the predator guard/baffles for bluebird and owl boxes we build for public spaces.
Pieces can be as small as 8 inches in diameter, but do have to be at least 5/8 inch thick. (1/2″ is too light)
Also needed: Spray paint colors black, brown and green. We can also use red to mark caution on the poles.
(Photo by Mathew Malwitz)