Barking Treefrog by Scott Smith/MD Department of Natural Resources
Join our monthly ZOOM talk Wednesday, March 5 @ 7 p.m. for “Croaks, Peep and Color,” the extraordinary world of amphibian communications Wednesday, March 5 at 7 p.m.
Naturalist Kerry Wixted will introduce us to the amazing variety of calls, scents and colors that frogs, toads and other amphibians use to engage with each other and other wildlife. Much of this talk’s focus will be on amphibians in Maryland, but it will also cover unique species from around the world.
If you do not already receive our Osprey newsletter, you can sign up at the bottom of this homepage and we will send the link prior to the talk.
This presentation may qualify for continuing education for Master Naturalists.
Our Chesapeake Bay Ospreys and wildlife need your help immediately! Please take one minute to show your support for ending over-harvesting of menhaden in the Chesapeake.
Commercial menhaden fishing by the foreign company Omega Protein inside the Chesapeake Bay is threatening the primary food source for Ospreys, dolphins and other Bay wildlife.
Southern Maryland Audubon, along with other area conservation groups and sport fishers, support a rule now under consideration by the Virginia Marine Resources Commission to end or reduce commercial menhaden fishing inside the Chesapeake Bay. Virginia is currently the only state that allows commercial menhaden fishing inside the bay.
But Omega Protein apparently has organized an effort to flood the commission website with negative responses on the proposed changes.
Help counter their actions NOW! Please take one minute and register your support for this petition by going to
For this year’s camp dates and more information on the application process, click here.
Mountains to Sea Birding for Teens: For teens aged 14-17
Field Ornithology: For other adults (18+) with an interest in bird watching, environmental or nature studies
The scholarships cover tuition, room, and board. Scholarship recipients can apply for a stipend to help offset travel costs. For details about each camp, go to the Audubon Hog Island website at
Birders Field Ornithology, for adults (18+) June 15 – June 20
Teens Mountains to Sea Birding for Teens(ages 14-17)June 29 – July 4
Applicants must be residents of Southern Maryland. To apply please send a one page letter explaining:
How will you benefit from the Hog Island opportunity?
How will you use the experience and knowledge to benefit others in Southern Maryland and support the SMAS mission?
Your signed letter must include: Mailing Address
Email Address
Phone Number
Age for teen applicants
One or more signed letters of recommendation describing your interests, abilities, and how the experience will benefit either your organization or the SMAS mission.
Please also submit a recent photograph of applicant.
Scholarship recipients must submit a written article for our Osprey newsletter about their experience by August 5, 2025, and possibly a brief presentation at one of the Monthly Meeting Programs for 2025 – 2026.
Please send applications to:
Annette Cook
Scholarship & Education Committee Chair Southern Maryland Audubon Society
(Photo by 2024 scholarship recipient Pam Brumbley)
Coming this Wednesday, Jan. 15 @6:30 p.m.! Charles County Community Climate Action Plan Interactive Webinar
Please join an interactive webinar designed to provide information and gather ideas for Charles County’s Climate Action Plan.
During this 1.5-hour meeting you will have the opportunity to learn more about climate change inventories and forecasts, as well as participate in open discussion related to Climate Action Plan strategies.
Register here. Please note that this meeting will be recorded.
Charles County is in the early stages of developing a Climate Action Plan (CAP)! The Office of Climate Resilience and Sustainability has spearheaded the effort based on the recognition that there is a critical and urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect our natural environment, and safeguard our communities against the effects of climate change. The Climate Action Plan will serve as an important roadmap to help Charles County achieve these goals.
The current phase of the CAP process involves obtaining stakeholder feedback and conducting public outreach on CAP goals and strategies. Which is where YOU can get involved!
The Charles County Government is currently conducting community outreach and hosting webinars to help inform the Climate Action Plan contents and priorities. If you are interested in participating in the Climate Action Plan process, there are a few simple steps that you can take now to get involved. Two surveys are currently active on the Charles County Engage page related to public outreach scheduling and soliciting general input on climate action planning priorities. Both surveys should take no more than a few minutes of your time to complete: Charles County Climate Action Planning
In addition to the surveys, a recording of the first public webinar (held on November 13, 2024) is available to view on the Charles County website and provides an overview of climate change basics, an introduction to the CAP and planning process, and reinforces the desire for community engagement: Climate Action Plan
Upcoming webinars will be held in early 2025 regarding the below topics. Make sure to join the Climate Action Mailing List to be notified of these future meetings!
· January 15, 2025: Where are we Heading? Inventories, Forecasts, and Initial Strategy Discussion
· February 26, 2025: Deep Dive on Mitigation and Resilience Strategies
· March 26, 2025: Climate Action Plan Strategy Analysis Results
This is a great opportunity to show support for the Climate Action Plan and to advocate for goals and strategies that will protect the environment for our feathered friends.
Learn how you can join the 125th Christmas Bird Count at a hands-on workshop Saturday, Dec. 7 from 10-11:30 a.m. at the Lexington Park Library in St. Mary’s County. Southern Maryland Audubon leaders will share how to participate in the count and demonstrate how the data you and thousands of other volunteers collect is used to help guide conservation for birds. Beginners and experienced birders welcome.
Presentation may qualify for continuing education hours for Master Naturalists.
Join us on Zoom Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. for a virtual journey through “The Chesapeake Watershed: History, Birds & Insights for Conservation” with Dr. Wayne Bell, senior associate and former director of the Washington College Center for Environment and Society.
You will learn how land use practices have impacted the Chesapeake from pre-colonial times to the present and how habitat restoration and conservation are now addressing the 30% decline in Northern American bird populations for the future. The lecture may qualify for continuing education for Master Naturalists.
The Zoom link to join the meeting will be emailed to our Osprey email list prior to the talk. If you aren’t on the list, you can join here at the bottom of our homepage.
Huge thanks to the Natural Resources Management class at Forrest Career and Technology Center for their hard work moving mountains of compost and mulch to create the Gateway Native Garden at the Lexington Manor Passive Park Community Garden. The students in Dorothy Birch’s class have adopted our native garden as one of their projects for this year. They’ve planted more than 400 natives in two large beds. We at Southern Maryland Audubon couldn’t be more grateful for their efforts and their interest in learning about the value of native plants in home and public landscapes. We received a grant from National Audubon to build this garden. (Photos by Molly Moore)
Eight-year-old Aurora Huhman, avid birder and fisher, faced a quandary. She was catching more blue catfish than she knew what to do with. Learn how a chance encounter connected one of our youngest members and her passions with a rescued Bald Eagle in the latest edition of “The Osprey” newsletter here:
Learn from the experts how to transform your garden into a haven for pollinators, birds & wildlife Tuesday, Nov. 19 @ 6 p.m. in person at the Lexington Park Library!
Southern Maryland Audubon President and Master Gardener Molly Moore also will take you on a visual tour of the Gateway Native Plant garden now being created at the Lexington Manor Passive Park to help you get inspired to build your own! Leave with the tools needed to design an outdoor oasis that attracts and supports our native pollinators, birds, & wildlife!